Molybdenum Mineral,
How Does This Help Us ?

The Molybdenum Mineral is an essential trace mineral for all life forms within our ecosystem...

And it is found in most plant and animal tissues.

This mineral aids in the production of enzymes.

And it is found at the active sites of these enzymes.

Molybdenum plays a special role in human nutrition...

It is an important bio-chemical processe in our bodies...

Although its presence is small, this mineral plays a vital role in helping to maintain our good health.

It is vital for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in our bodies.

Because, it activates the enzymes that break down the food we eat and produce energy we need.

As an essential mineral, it is involved in the bodys' protein synthesis and the mobilization of iron throughout the body and nervous system...

It also helps to provide the oxygen necessary for our bodies organs to function properly and for the metabolism of our bodys' cells.

You can find the Molybdenum Mineral in these foods...

Beef liver, lamb and pork...

Carrots, cucumbers, dark green leafty vegetables, green beans, green soy beans, legumes, peas, and tomatoes...

Cereal grains, lentils, sunflower seeds, and wheat flour...

Black beans and dried beans including kidney, lima, and navy...

Also almonds, cashews, chestnuts, and peanuts...

And the dairy products...cottage cheese, eggs, and milk.

Molybdenum is known to occur in higher concentrations in our liver and kidneys and lower concentrations within our nervous systems...

It helps in their functioning.

And it is also present in our tooth enamel and helps to prevent tooth decay...

Some studies suggest that this mineral may help in the prevention

of anemia...and it gives you an enhanced feeling of well-being.

Our body also uses Molybdenum to help ward off diseases...

And in the removal of waste from the kidneys.

It has been shown to help with some forms of stomach and throat cancers and also in the prevention of asthma...

This mineral also helps to guard against an increased respiratory heart rate within our bodies...

Also night-blindness, mouth and gum disorders and the possible impotence in older males...

Here at Family Vitamin Stores Vitamin Shops, you can find the best Molybdenum Mineral for your entire, women, children, and pets.

These are the Vitamin Stores that you know and trust and they are located here all in one place for your easy shipping convenience...

The Molybdenum Mineral is essential in our bodies biochemical processes...

by being involved in our bodies protein synthesis...

It also protects our immune system and helps to ward off diseases.

Most people will get enough of this mineral from the foods they eat, but for the times when we don't ...Family Vitamin Stores is here to help you...

Next is the Phosphorus Mineral
