Sodium Mineral
What Will This Do For Us ?

The Sodium Mineral is best known as table salt, a key nutrient for our bodies proper functioning...

As a electrolyte, it works in conjuction with chloride and potassium to help regulate the electrical impulses that take place in the body's cells.

These electrical charges are used by the cells to communicate with each other, and to provide our 5 senses with their capabilities to...hear, see, smell, taste, and touch.

Sodium is essential because our bodies lose it everyday through sweat and urine.

This mineral helps our muscles and nervous system to function properly...

It plays a vital role in the balance of fluid between cells...

And carries essential nutrients to the cells.

The distribution of sodium within our body helps keep the cells walls balanced...

It is stored in the bones and the fluid surrounding the cells.

In our circulatory system, sodium helps to regulate our blood pressure, blood volume, and blood pH...

Sodium is a primary element in our blood-plasma...

It also helps our blood from clotting.

The sodium, potassium, and chloride minerals work together to regulate the fluids and the acid-balance in the cells...

It is involved in nerve-transmissions and muscle-contractions, including our heart-beats...

And as a active transport mechanism, it is responsible for the passage of metabolic materials within the cells...

Sodium and potassium work together to balance nerve-impulses...

These two also work together to help maintain our bloods delicate pH.

If there is a deficiency in sodium our bodies react by allowing excess water to penetrate the cell walls resulting in inflamation...

Other possible results of a sodium deficiency include...anorexia, apathy, diarrhea, lethargy, memory loss, loss of appetite, muscle twitching, or vomiting.

But, it is more likely we will have too much sodium in our diet and this can lead to high-blood-pressure, hypertension, or water retention...

A sodium balance is critical...

Within our digestive system this mineral helps process food into energy.

The sodium mineral is found in processed and natural foods...

Processed foods usually contain alot of the form of preservatives and flavor enhancers...

These foods include...bacon, canned soups, ham, hot dogs luncheon meats, potato chips, pretzels, salsa, salty snacks, and tomato ketchup.

The natural foods have a balance of sodium...

And these include...artichokes, beets, carrots, cauliflower, clams, celery, dairy products (butter, milk, eggs), fish, green beans, nuts, olives, pickles, poultry, and shell-fish.

Here at Family Vitamin Stores you will find the finest quality vitamins and minerals for your entire, women, children, and pets.

So, when you think you are not getting enough sodium in your families diet, remember you can always find the right amount...Vitamin Shops

We are always here for you.

The Sodium Mineral plays a vital role in balancing our fluid levels...

...Vitamins and Minerals are the Keys to our Families Health...

Now for the Zinc Mineral
