Zinc Mineral
What is This?

The Zinc Mineral is vital for many of our bodies functions...

This mineral fuels everything from the manufacturing of DNA to the maintance of our immune systems.

It is critical for the proper functioning of the male-reproductive-system and is involved in the processes that contribuite to normal sperm count.

And it regulates the testosterone in the male sex drive.

The male-prostate-gland has a heavy concentration of this  mineral.

It's known to have beneficial effects on our sex and thyroid hormones...

The Zinc Mineral helps to regulate the metabolism of testosterone in the prostate, as well the female and male sex drives...

This mineral is believed to enhance fertility in both women and men.

It also plays an important role in our cell division, growth and repair.

And it helps to maintain our normal sense of smell and taste.

It also works as an immune booster, in fighting colds, flu, and other infections.

Zinc is involved in our DNA and protein synthesis.

Since our bodies do not produce this mineral, it must be obtained from outside sources...

These sources include both plants and animals.

Although the richest source of Zinc comes from the animals.

This zinc mineral has many health benefits for our bodies...

For our immune systems...

For colds, flu, and infections...

For our reproductive systems...

For fertility in both females and males...

For the enhancement of our prostate-gland...

For our blood-sugar balance...

And for arthritis, under-active-thyroid, fybromyalgia, and osteoporosis.

There are a number of natural sources for Zinc...and these include...

Beef Chuck Roast, Beef Patty, Chicken Breast (Dark Meat), Ham, Lamb, Liver, Pork Chops, and Turkey...

Alaska King Crab, Flounder, Oysters, and Sole...

American cheese, cheddar cheese, eggs, fruit yogurt, milk, mozzarella cheese and swiss cheese...

Almonds, baked beans, cashews, chick peas, dried beans, green peas, kidney beans, pecans, peanut Butter, split peas and sunflower seeds...

And bran flakes, brown rice, fortified breakfast cereals, oatmeal, wheat germ, and white rice.

Research shows that both zinc and the antioxidant minerals, help to delay the progression of age-related problems including muscular degeneration and vision loss.

Zinc is involved in many aspects of our cellular metabolism, it is required for the catalytic activity of over 100 enzymes.

This mineral plays an important role in our cell division, immune system functioning, and protein synthesis.

Zinc supports the normal growth and development of the fetus during pregnancy, and in childhood, and adolescence.

And it is required for our proper senses of smell and taste.

If there is deficiency of zinc, the following symptoms may result...growth retardation, hair loss, delayed sexual maturation, impotence, loss of appetite, eye and skin lesions, or white spots on the fingernails.

Also...poor healing of wounds, high susceptibility to colds and flu, skin problems like acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

An excess zinc may result in... nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

A balance of zinc is essential for our bodies proper functioning and maintenance...

And here at family vitamin stores, you will find the finest quality vitamins and minerals for your entire family...men, women, children, and our pets...Vitamin Shops

So when you think your family isn't getting enough zinc in their diet, remember you can always find just the right amount here at Family-Vitamin-Stores, to help keep your family healthy and happy and wise...

And since the zinc mineral is not stored in our bodies,.a daily intake is necessary to help balance our bodies and nervous systems.

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